Soundbites are short, listening-focused language lessons embedded within Jiveworld StoriesThe magic of Soundbites lies in the three-tiered structure: an intriguing challenge, an audio story excerpt accompanied by vocabulary and transcription, and an informative reveal — all inside the patented Jiveworld assisted-listening player. 

While our Stories can range in length from several minutes to close to an hour, we keep our Soundbites short – often no more than 30 seconds long. Completing the Q&A – the exercise that accompanies each Soundbite – takes about 4 minutes. 

Crafted by Jiveworld's linguistics team, the Question prompts you to listen for certain aspects of the audio clip related to the category being explored. When you're ready, reveal not just the Answer but in-depth insights on culture and history, grammar rules and how people break them, different ways to swear, and wonderment of this rich and complex language that’s spoken across regions, nations, and continents.

Soundbites can be consumed as standalone lessons – for when you don’t have a whole lot of time – or they can be studied within a story to boost your learning beyond mere comprehension.

Soundbites are designed to make you think like a linguist. They are organized into eight categories: Speech & Accents, Vernacular & Slang, History & Culture, Strategies, Vocabulary, Grammar, Useful Patterns, and Idioms & Sayings.